Sunday 9 February 2014

No Banjos, Please: a Sunday Shoe Story

Just kidding, banjos are just fine if they’re not of the “twang twang, my dog gone and got hisself shot and mah woman she left me” variety. That being said, the list of country songs on my iPod is rather short. Well, more like “country-lite” anyways…

My second tape (after The Beatles Greatest Hits) was Garth Brooks, and it became a quick staple in our house. Thinking back, this might have been the first tape that Andria (of Anchors and Freedom) and I first made up dance routines to. And yes, they were line dance routines. I’ve drunk away all knowledge of when to step, turn, and kick up my heel to my hand, but I feel no shame in remembering those good old days!

Shania Twain became the big country music star of my high school years, with such memorable tracks as “Man! I feel like a Woman!” and “Honey, I’m Home,” but the one track that’s stuck with me to this day is “That Don’t Impress Me Much.” I guess I was always a feminist with extremely high standards in men!

These days the only semblance of country music that’s on my rotation is more pop rock than actual country, since I don’t mind the occasional influence of country-style guitars. After all, music isn’t really clear cut into genres anymore!

Shoes by ZiGi New York "She's a Rockstar"

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