Sunday 13 January 2013

741.5, or My Love Affair with Dewey: a Sunday Shoe Story

Frankie & Dany "New Alva" pumps
& a week's worth of library books

Once upon a time I woke up and realized what I wanted to do with my life: I wanted to be a librarian. At the time I was about 12 years old, so no one really believed me when I started marching around declaring that I had found my one true love.

"You can't fall in love with books!" they said, "You're only 12, you'll change your mind next week."

What no one counted on was how stubborn I was. I sat through the remaining years of elementary, putting an emphasis on reading as much as I possibly could. And then the five years of torture known as high school, where I laughed at math and gym (librarians don't need those besides practical finances) and excelled at English and Social Studies. And then four years of post-graduate studies, where I lost touch with reading "for fun" in lieu of reading for coursework.

Cut to 13 years later: the highlight of my week is still going to the library, I still read about a dozen books every week, and I'm about to graduate with my Masters of Library and Information Studies degree, which will make me a fully-certified librarian.

Now the question becomes: who's going to hire me, so that I can continue my love affair with Dewey?

BTW 741.5 is the Dewey Decimal number for comic books and graphic novels. And now you know!

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