Friday 10 June 2011


One of my favourite ways to accessorize (as I’ve said before) is to paint my nails. It’s a subtle and simple way to add some sparkle to your outfit. But having nice nails is kind of a requirement if you’re going to have them be the focus. I used to have really good nails (not long ones, but acceptable and durable), but lately they’ve been prone to chipping, breaking, and worst of all peeling. No, this isn’t a result of painting my nails on a more regular basis, it’s actually a direct result of an increase in my stress levels. Obviously I am not impressed.

photo from here
Luckily, along with some of the Katy Perry OPI collection, Aina also gave me a mini bottle of OPI Nail Envy. Nail Envy is meant as a treatment to strengthen nails, which is exactly what I’m in need of. So I decided to experiment; between every manicure I would do a manicure of Nail Envy and see if it could fix my nail woes. I kept this up for about 2 weeks, and it did seem to improve my nail quality. It also worked rather well as a basecoat for some of the polishes that I knew were prone to staining.

I was planning on having some pictures of my new and improved nails, but I’ve been lazy as of late, and haven’t been painting my nails, much less using Nail Envy, so they’re all short again… But I swear starting tomorrow I am going back to using Nail Envy religiously before I have to do some more swatches. Longer, stronger, prettier nails here I come!

Post Script: Apparently there are different kinds of Nail Envy available now, that are tailored to specific nail problems! I'm kind of stoked, since usually problem-tailored products work better than general ones! YAY!

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